Human nature can combat climate change, says Belgium's Prime Minister
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030.
2020–present: Prime Minister of Belgium; 2019 - 2020: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, in charge of the Fight against Tax Fraud, and Minister of Development Cooperation; 2014 - 2019: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecom and Postal Services; 2012 - 2014: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Pensions; 2009 - 2012: Party Chairman and Senator; 1999 - 2009: MBA, business consultant and entrepreneur. Alexander De Croo is part of the 2015 intake of World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders.
This is one of a series of articles written by Young Global Leaders with action-oriented ideas to improve the state of the world by 2030.
Digitisation and automation are causing an intense transformation of our societies and economies. The progressive integration of new technologies in our economy amounts to a paradigm shif...
The years 2016 and 2017 will determine whether Europe creates a digital roadmap to support competitiveness and growth, or slips into digital mediocrity.