Akim is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mwaana Inc., a company dedicated to environmental conservation and economic development in the Congo Basin. Additionally, he serves on the African Advisory Board of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero and on the advisory board of the Voluntary Carbon Market Initiative, contributing his expertise to global climate finance and carbon market initiatives.
La crisis climática no da señales de atenuarse. El año 2024 ha registrado nuevos récords de temperatura y será uno de los más calurosos jamás registrados. El mes de junio superó a todos l...
In 2022, in the sweltering heat of Gabon’s rainforest, an elder voiced a community’s frustrations: “Mr President, you’ve protected the elephants, but who protects us? Our fields are tramp...
The climate crisis shows no sign of abating, with 2024 seeing more record-breaking temperatures and the year counting among the hottest years on record. June 2024 surpassed previous recor...