AI versus lawyers, vaccines for everything and other top stories of the week
The future of jobs just got closer: AI is outperforming corporate lawyers.⇒ Explore: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
BA, Oxford University; MBA, London Business School. 1988, journalist and news executive with CBS News, ITN, Sky News. 2005, Professor, Head of Journalism, City, University of London. Was with the World Economic Forum from 2009 to 2023: 2009, Managing Director, Head of Communications and Media; and later as Member of the Managing Board, Head of Foundations and Public Engagement. 2005-06, President, Britain's Media Society. Member: BAFTA; Royal Television Society. Co-Author: Crunch Time - How Everyday Life Is Killing the Future (2007); Can You Trust The Media? (2008). Recipient of awards.
The future of jobs just got closer: AI is outperforming corporate lawyers.⇒ Explore: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Why the next economic crisis could lead to global military conflict.⇒ Explore: Geo-economicsA cashless society is near. Cash in Sweden is now less than 1% of GDP.⇒ Explore: Banking and Ca...
Grappling with globalization 4.0. The world isn’t ready for what’s coming.
Creating utopia from scratch. This new city will integrate 4IR technologies.⇒ Explore: Cities and UrbanizationAre you a procrastinator? The structure of your brain may explain why.⇒ Explo...
More food with fewer pesticides. China discovers electro culture. ⇒ Explore: Future of Food Metabolites matter more than calories. The new science of obesity. ⇒ Explore: Healthcare Deliv...
Welcome to the World Economic Forum’s weekly update, where we highlight the biggest stories on our radar.
The world depends on just 3 crops. That’s a problem for the future of food.⇒ Explore: Agriculture, Food and BeverageThe young are lonelier than the old. Surprises from a new loneliness st...
Challenging conventional wisdom on the world economy. The IMF’s first female chief economist.
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Growth that rivals China’s. The story behind Việt Nam’s economic miracle.⇒ Explore context: Việt NamNo standardized tests, little competition. How Finland’s schools excel.⇒ Explore contex...
The Earth is being reforested. It may not be all good news. ⇒ Explore context: Forests China in Africa. Infrastructure is just one part of deeper links. ⇒ Explore context: Africa
The secret to worker productivity: shorter hours, more responsibility.⇒ Explore context: Workforce and EmploymentWinning the fight against corruption. Six reasons for recent successes.⇒ E...
The lines where cities divide. Social inequality as seen from the sky.The Hajj hackathon. Saudi women win contest to make pilgrimage safer.
How future-proof are your skills — and job? Answers to our Instagram quiz.Hothouse earth. Why climate change might soon accelerate.
She interviews jihadists and Nazis. A Muslim filmmaker lives dangerously. Want to save the planet? Live in a “hobbit house” in Wales.