Water4changes- Second Phase

Water4changes is a project of the Global Shapers Skopje Hub that aims to address the lack of awareness and knowledge to the citizens for not wasting the water as a resource. This project has been a continuation of the project Water4changes that the Skopje Hub realized last year. The activities in this project were detected as a need from evaluating the impact of the last year`s project. 

People are undereducated when it comes to how they are treating and wasting water as a resource. Public participation in the most infringed right in the process of making decisions in the area of water management. That leads to lack of access to safe drinking water in the country, so that only 62.7% of the people are using water from the public water supply system. There is a lack of public debate and practice about water rights and how to protect them, especially for the categories of vulnerable groups.

 The goal of this activity is first to educate the local people on how to treat water and not to waste it, by doing some workshops, webinars, and using morning TV shows, so we can provide knowledge and encourage public debate about the problem. Using social media, we will try to explain and contribute to solving the water-related problems in the Republic of North Macedonia. In order to do that the Hub will have an online campaign using video messaging with athletes, local citizens, etc. and infographics for explaining everyday struggles without drinking water. Also, the Hub will contribute to one sports event, as part of this campaign.

The Hub envisions this project to be upgraded and continued every year. However, we have started with our activities on 09.01.2020. Finally, the Hub envisions this project to be realized regularly every year with upgraded activities aiming to contribute towards the realization of long-term goals. 


The measurable goals of this project are:

2 international webinars, 2000 visitors

2 local webinars, 100 viewers

1 youth workshop, 50 views

Presence at a one-morning show, 5000 viewers

An online campaign with 1000 engagements 

A sports event with 500 views. 

The project lifetime is not fixed since there will be a repetition of the project activities. 





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