We’re living in a digital age with the fourth industrial revolution knocking on the door. The rapid developments in technology and the increasing digitization of society bring enormous benefits but require digital literacy to be able to take full advantage of them. The Global Shapers Stockholm Hub project Teknologi för Seniorer (Technology for Seniors) is an initiative aimed at closing the digital divide by providing seniors with an education programme that will help them learn how to confidently use and understand new technology (e.g. smartphones, computers, apps, Internet services, etc.). The concept will be tested on a target group through a pilot period, followed by a written impact report assessing the outcomes of the pilot.
The goal of the project is to develop a scalable educational programme in which seniors are taught the technical skills needed to satisfy their personal needs through technology and manage day-to-day IT-tasks, ultimately improving their lives and wellbeing and better equipping society for the 4IR.