Tackling housing deficit in Curitiba | Partnership with TETO Brasil

Brazilian cities face an enormous housing crisis where more than 11 million people live in favelas (slums). Specifically, in Curitiba Region, the housing deficit is up to 80 thousand families. Through this project Curitiba Hub wanted to address urban inequalities, acting on the reduction of housing deficit and supporting families living under vulnerable urban conditions. For this, the Hub partnered with the Social Organisation TETO Brasil as TETO's Ambassadors with the goal of collecting funds to build 21 emergency houses for vulnerable families living in favelas in Curitiba's Region.  

About "Tackling housing deficit in Curitiba"

All over the country, 150 emergency houses were built as a result of this action during Brazilian winter in 2019. Global Shapers from Curitiba Hub also took part in the construction of those 21 houses on July 2019. By taking part in the construction, the Hub aimed to help promoting critical awareness and propositive thinking upon poverty reduction for all the 200 young volunteers involved. The desired impact of this first round was to promote youth awareness of the housing deficit issue, community mobilisation to collect the funds needed (144 thousand Brazilian Reais total, which 19 thousand of them are covered by Curitiba's Hub actions) and, most importantly, provide housing for 21 families (around 100 people, mostly children and elders) who would face winter without a safe home.

Results and impact

- 19 thousand Brazilian Reais raised to fund the construction of 21 emergency houses in Curitiba region.

- Provided volunteering opportunities for more than 200 young people to help during the construction

- Impacted the lives of more than 100 people from 21 families.






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