Nature Action Agenda

According to our research, over half the world's GDP is highly or moderately dependent on natural resources and services. Nature loss and degradation is threatening our wellbeing, as well as our economic, political, and societal structures.

Business-as-usual is no longer an option. To promote the systemic solutions and transitions that will create a global ‘nature-positive’ economy, we need ambitious public-private collaboration, now.

'Most of the world’s top 500 companies have a climate target – but just 5% have one for biodiversity. Given how dependent the global economy is on nature, the private sector urgently needs to help halt and reverse nature loss this decade'

—Nature-Positive Industry Sector Transitions reports

The Nature Action Agenda is leading business and policy transformation for a nature-positive world by:

  • Building the knowledge base to make a compelling economic and business case for safeguarding nature.
  • Catalyzing leadership for nature-positive transitions in industry sectors.
  • Identifying solutions for scale in priority socio-economic systems, sectors and unlocking financial resources through innovative mechanisms.

The Nature Action Agenda initiatives:

  • Champions for Nature: A multi-stakeholder community of CEO and minister-level leaders to raise ambition, drive business action and create learning opportunities.
  • Sector Transitions to Nature Positive: A project to accelerate sector-specific business actions, taking into account the different ways each sector interacts with and depends on nature.
  • Biodiversity Credits: A multi-stakeholder initiative to shape high-integrity financial instruments and markets to drive investment towards a nature-positive and socially equitable future.
  • Nature-Positive Cities: An initiative to help cities and businesses coalesce around common principles to reconcile their relationship with nature.
Biodiversity Transformation Map
イメージ: Strategic Intelligence, World Economic Forum


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