Seth Emmanuel Terkper

BComm, University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana; MPA, Kennedy School, Harvard University. Chartered Accountant. Formerly: National VAT Coordinator and Deputy Commissioner, National Revenue Secretariat and revenue agencies in Ghana; played a key role in the introduction of the value added tax in Ghana; has consulted for the IMF; Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard International Tax Program; African Development Bank, and UN Committee of Tax Experts; Correspondent for Tax Analysts, USA. 1999-2009, various positions, Fiscal Affairs Dept. (FAD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), latterly as last as Senior Economist. Participated in, and led, several technical assistance (TA) missions to member-states to improve the organization, process and legislation for revenue institutions. 2009-13, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP), working mainly on the Budget and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) as well as on revenue policy and administration. Member, Board of Directors, Bank of Ghana; chaired the joint Steering Committee, Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) reforms. Author.



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