Salvador Paiz

President, FunSEPA

Salvador Paiz is President of FunSEPA, a foundation which is improving the quality of education in Guatemala by leveraging technology. FunSEPA has installed over 26,313 computers in over 1,624 public schools, and has trained and certified over 86,000 public school teachers (over 55% of the total teacher population) on the usage of technology as a teaching tool. FunSEPA is in the process of rolling out Na'at, a revolutionary teacher training platform which does not require connectivity.

Paiz is also Director of the Foundation for the Development of Guatemala (FUNDESA) and works on the Mejoremos Guate initiative, a holistic development agenda for the country with short-term actionable projects. Key projects and initiatives include: Roadway Infrastructure Legislative Proposal, Crime Stoppers Guatemala, Guatemala Visible, Criminal Justice Flowchart, among others.

On the business side, Paiz is the Co-Chairman of Grupo PDC, a holding company with interests in distribution and real estate finance throughout Central America.

Paiz obtained a Bachelor's degree with honours from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and received an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Business as a Martin Trust Merit Scholar. His econometric work on the topic of contagion has been published.



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