Pradeep Kakkattil

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, HIEx

Pradeep started his life as a filmmaker and journalist in India. When a friend of his tested positive for HIV in 1991, he gave up his media career and started working on setting up some of the early prevention programs which became a model for HIV prevention and were scaled across the country. At UNAIDS he helped found the Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx), a neutral platform that builds trusted partnerships between countries, innovators and investors to scale up access to healthcare. HIEx addresses the disconnects between several sectors that limit the potential of innovation and technologies to scale up access to healthcare - from addressing the lack of reliable energy through the solar for health partnership to scaling investments in health ventures through the Investor Coalition. He has recently launched the Women in Innovation Fund (WiNFUND) that leverages NFTs to finance women led health entrerprises in Africa



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