Marina Silva

Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil

Degree in History. Former teacher and trade unionist. Backed legislative reforms designed to ensure better education, health, hygiene, communication and transport, human rights, socio-cultural diversity and financial compensation for local government conservation units. 1984, organized peaceful demonstrations against deforestation of the Amazon; 1985, joined Labour Party (PT). 1992, State Deputy from Acre; 2003, Minister of Environment and Amazon Region of Brazil. Recipient of awards: recommended for Champion of the Earth award, UN; Goldmann Award for Environment, as representative of Central and South America , (1996); Tribute to 25 World Women in Action for Life on Earth, UN Programme for Environment - UN; Premio al Desarrollo Sostenible, Fundacion Ecologia y Desarrollo, Barcelona (2003); Most Influential Women Award Brazil, Forbes Magazine Brazil (2006).



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