Luc Frieden

1986, Master's, Business Law, Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg & Université de Paris I; 1987, Master's in Comparative Law & Legal Philosophy, Cambridge; 1988, Master of Laws, Harvard. 1989-98, Attorney-at-Law, Luxembourg. Former Lecturer in Public Law, Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg. 1981-94, commentator on legal issues and foreign affairs, RTL Luxembourg Radio. 1994, elected Member of Parliament, Christian Democratic Party (CSV); Chairman, Finance and Budget Committee, Committee on Constitutional Affairs. 1998, Minister of Justice, Minister for the Budget and Minister for Relations with Parliament. 1999, re-elected and subsequently reappointed Minister of Justice and Minister for the Treasury and Budget of the new government. 2004, reappointed Minister of Justice and entrusted with all matters of internal security, as well as Minister for the Treasury and Budget. 2004-06, Minister of Defence. 2005, Chair, Councils of the Ministers of Justice, Home Affairs and Defence during Luxemburg Presidency of the EU. 2009, Minister of Finance. Since 1998, Governor of the World Bank. Member, moral sciences and politics section, Institut grand-ducal. Honorary Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, American Sacred Heart University (2006).



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