Lilianne Ploumen

1983, community outreach worker, Crooswijk area of Rotterdam. 1985, joined the Institute of Psychological Market Research (IPM), working in the statistics department and as a research project leader. 1990-92, Marketing and Research Manager, Foster Parents Plan, Amsterdam; 1993, joined PLAN, the London-based umbrella organization. 1995, Founder, Ploumen Projecten, an organization specializing in market research and innovation for commercial and non-profit clients; concurrently, Fundraising Coordinator, Mama Cash, an international fund supporting women's initiatives; 1996-2001, Director. 2001-07, Head of Quality and Strategy, then Director, International Programmes, Cordaid. 2007-12, Chair of the Labour Party (PvdA). November 2012, appointed Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. Former: Vice-Chair, Evert Vermeer Foundation; Member, Labour Party's South-North Committee; Board Member: Opzij and Women; Member, Supervisory Board, Stop Aids Now!



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