Lakshmi Sundaram

Executive Director, Girls Not Brides

Lakshmi holds a BA in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge, as well as a Master of Public Health, a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University, and a Master in Global Leadership from the World Economic Forum. She is also a Global Leadership Fellow from the World Economic Forum. Lakshmi’s background is in global health partnerships, including at the World Economic Forum’s Global Health Initiative and at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics in Switzerland, as well as with the Ministry of Health in Rwanda. She is experienced in forging alliances across the public, private and NGO sectors, encouraging diverse people and groups to join forces for demonstrable change. Currently, Lakshmi is Global Coordinator of Girls Not Brides, a global partnership of more than 300 civil society organisations in over 50 countries working to end child marriage. Lakshmi helps Partnership members work together to bring the issue of child marriage to global attention and to be more effective in addressing the problem. Lakshmi plays a pivotal role in linking the Partnership’s members, facilitating their joint efforts in advocacy and communications and supporting members to learn from each other about effective approaches to ending child marriage.



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