John Negroponte

Vice-Chairman, McLarty Associates

BA, Yale. 1960, Member, US Foreign Service, Asia, Europe and Latin America; 1981-85, Amb. to Honduras; 1985-87, Deputy Asst to President for National Security Affairs; 1989-93, Amb. to Mexico; 1993-96, Amb. to Philippines; 1997-2001, Exec. Vice-President, Global Markets, McGraw-Hill; 2001-04, US Permanent Rep. to UN; 2004-05, Amb. to Iraq; 2005-07, Director, National Intelligence; 2007-09, Deputy Sec. of State. Since 2009: current position; Co-Chairman, US-Philippines Society. 2009-2015 Chairman Council of the Americas-Americas Society, New York. Since 2015 Chairman Emeritus Council of the Americas-Americas Society, New York. Former Chairman Intelligence and National Security Alliance. Member: Council on Foreign Relations; American Academy of Diplomacy.



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