Global Head of Government and Public Affairs for Philips, heading up a global network that maintains relations with governments and other stakeholders. On geopolitics, trade, large scale healthcare transformationels and competitiveness policies. President of COCIR, European Trade Association for medtech. Started career with the United Nations Environment Programme, developing best practices guides related to cleaner production for emerging markets, including a large number of African nations. Subsequently held a number of sustainability and government related functions at the BLC Leather Confederation, Epson, and Hewlett-Packard. 2009, joined Philips as part of the Corporate Sustainability Office with responsibility for risk and reputation management;
Demographic shifts often spark concerns with fears that an ageing workforce will lead to shrinking economies and declining living standards while a rapidly increasing young population cou...
When it comes to making progress on health equity, there are many opportunities for companies across all sectors of industry to join the effort. A great first step is understanding the ba...
We know we can only achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030 when the public, private and non-profit sectors work together. Doing so sounds easy enough – we’ve long identified the ...