Heraldo Muñoz

1975, diploma (Hons) in Int'l Relations, Catholic Univ. of Chile; 1979, PhD in Int'l studies, Univ. of Denver; studied at the State Univ. of New York, Oswego and Harvard. 1983-85, Secretary, Int'l Relations, Socialist Party of Chile. Co-Founder, Party for Democracy (PPD) and former Member, Political Commission and President, Metropolitan Santiago Region. 1990-94, Ambassador of Chile to the Organization of American States (OAS); 1991-92, Chairman, Environment Committee and 1993, Chairman, Permanent Council; 1994-98, Ambassador of Chile to Brazil. Foreign Policy Coordinator of the Presidential Campaign of Ricardo Lagos. Founder and Director, Programa de Seguimiento de las Políticas Exteriores Latinoamericanas (PROSPEL); Professor, Institute of Int'l Studies, Univ. of Chile; visiting professor or lecturer at universities and diplomatic academies in the US, Europe and Latin America. Author or editor of dozens of essays in academic journals and more than 20 books, including: Latin American Nations in World Politics (1997); Globalización XXI (1997). Recipient of awards.



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