Helena Gualinga

Co-Founder, Indigenous Youth Collective of Amazon Defenders

Helena Gualinga is an Ecuadorian environmental and human rights activist from the Kichwa Sarayuku community in Pastaza, Ecuador. She has become a spokesperson for the Sarayuku indigenous community, and exposes the conflict between oil companies and her community in local schools as well as the international community to raise awareness. Gualinga is a co-founder of Polluters out, which was founded to demand refusal of funding coming from fossil fuel corporations by the UNFCCC. She also demonstrated in New York City outside of the UN in 2019. She participated in the COP25 in Madrid, Spain, to speak about her concern on the Ecuadorian government authorizing oil extraction in indigenous land, as well as to criticize the Ecuadorian government for claiming interest in protecting the Amazon during the conference while not having attended to indigenous Amazon women's demands brought to the government in 2019. She has been featured in Vogue magazine, Revista Hogar magazine, and had the documentary “Helena Sarayaku Manta” made about her life and activism.



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