Por qué debemos avanzar hacia la igualdad de género en materia de cuidados
Tras la publicación del último Informe sobre la Brecha Global de Género, tenemos algo que celebrar, pero no mucho.
Master’s in Public Policy, Duke University; PhD in Child and Adolescent Development, Loyola University, Chicago. Currently, President and Chief Executive Officer, Promundo. Has conducted extensive global research and programme development around engaging men and boys in gender equality and violence prevention; is a leading voice for the worldwide effort to establish positive, healthy dynamics between men and women. Co-Founder, MenCare, a global campaign to promote men’s involvement as equitable, non-violent caregivers; Co-Founder, MenEngage, a global alliance of more than 600 NGOs and UN agencies working toward gender equality. Coordinates IMAGES (the International Men and Gender Equality Survey), a pioneering multi-country survey of men’s attitudes and behaviours related to violence, fatherhood and gender equality, among other themes. Member, UN Secretary General’s Men’s Leaders Network. Ashoka Fellowship. Fellow, Open Society Institute. Recipient, Vital Voices Solidarity Award.
Tras la publicación del último Informe sobre la Brecha Global de Género, tenemos algo que celebrar, pero no mucho.
With the launch of the latest Global Gender Gap report, there is some room to celebrate, but not much.
Las mujeres asumen la inmensa mayoría del trabajo doméstico y de cuidados no remunerado en todo el mundo. Según la OIT, en todo el mundo las mujeres realizan el 75% del trabajo de cuidado...
Women take on the overwhelming proportion of unpaid domestic and care work globally. According to the ILO, across the world women perform 75% of unpaid care work, dedicating four hours an...
From the Oscars to the Baftas to this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, the world is increasingly paying attention to gender diversity and women’s right to equality in the workp...