BA in Psychology, Tufts University; 1999, PhD in Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Formerly: spent three years directing computer skills education for economically disadvantaged children and adults in San Francisco and South Africa. Currently, Ford Professor of Economics and Associate Head, MIT Department of Economics; scholarship explores the labour market impacts of technological change and globalization, earnings inequality, and disability insurance and labour supply. Fellow: Econometrics Society; Society of Labor Economists; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Faculty Research Associate: National Bureau of Economic Research; Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab. Director, NBER Disability Research Consortium. Co-Director: NBER Labor Studies Program; MIT School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative. Recipient of honours and awards, including: National Science Foundation Career Award; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship; Sherwin Rosen Prize; MIT’s James A. and Ruth Levitan Award; Undergraduate Economic Association Teaching Award; Faculty Appreciation Award, MIT TPP programme. Captain, MIT Economics hockey team.