Christa Markwalder

Degrees in Law and General Ecology of the Universities Berne, Switzerland and Nijmegen, Netherlands. Started political career as a Member of the Municipal Council of Burgdorf in 1999, Switzerland, and was elected to the Parliament of the Canton of Berne in 2002. 2003, elected to the National Council (the House of Representatives) in the Swiss Parliament for the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP.Die Liberalen); 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019, re-elected as a Member of Swiss Parliament and served in 2016 as President of the National Council (Speaker) and the Federal Assembly, which is formally the political highest ranking position in Switzerland. Currently serves on the National Council's Foreign Affairs Committee (Chair in 2010 and 2011) and on the Committee for Legal Affairs (Vice-Chair since 2019). Chairs the Parliamentary Association Switzerland-USA and co-chairs various parliamentary groups on renewable energy, ecologically sustainable economies, relations with Eastern Europe, such as Swiss-Ukraine and promotion of voluntary work. Since 2008, works as a Senior Legal Counsel with Zurich Insurance Group. Young Global Leader Alumna (2011) of the World Economic Forum and a former Young Leader (2006) of the American-Swiss Foundation.



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