Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf

Senior Fellow, Conservation International

As Mayor of Montería, during the 2012-2015 term he ranked the capital of Córdoba as a sustainable city. He returned the Sinú River to the city and transformed it into the social, cultural, and economic development axis of Montería. He also pushed forward solar energy projects and fomented sustainable culture.

He holds a Business degree from the EAFIT University in Medellín and has become a reference to many regional, national and international leaders as his public administration showed sustainable territories can be built.

He’s been a special presidential consultant for the country’s regions and professor at many different colleges (EAFIT, Technological Institute of Bolívar, UIS at Bucaramanga, and the Sinú University in Montería). He’s also been an external consultant on territorial development at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Cali).

Due to his work in matters of sustainability he was nominated Best Mayor of the Country during the 2012-2015 term. Mayors’ Fund for London, on their behalf, acknowledged him as one of The Top 10 Mayors of the World.

He’s also been Director of the Territorial Project in CIDER (Andes University) and held the Vice Presidency of ASOCAPITAL’S Board of Directors.

He also was an advisor on Multipurpose Cadaster and Territorial Development at ESAP-ASOCAPITAL and the UN Development Programme—Presidency of Colombia.



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