テクノロジーは私たちの生活にとって、なくてはならないものとなっています。この先、世界がCOVID-19を克服し再起する場面においても重要な役割を担うことになるでしょう。しかし、IoTやAIといった第四次産業革命によりもたらされた高度な新技術を“build back better=より良い復興”のために活用するには、人類の格差、雇用や生活の崩壊、権力の乱用などを引き起こさな...
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), headquartered in Tokyo, is a leading industrial firm with 80,000 group employees and annual consolidated revenues of $38 billion. For more than 130 years, MHI has channelled big thinking into innovative and integrated solutions that move the world forward. MHI's business portfolio covers land, sea, sky and space. MHI delivers innovative and integrated solutions to industries, from commercial aviation and transportation to power plants and gas turbines, and from machinery and infrastructure to integrated defence and space systems.