4 key trends to watch in clean energy technology in 2025
The year 2024 saw an impressive acceleration of investment in clean energy solutions despite the increased cost of financing and geopolitical headwinds. The year was the first of many in ...
Excited about the role of technology in the energy transition. Prior to joining the Forum, worked on strategy at PGNiG (Polish Oil & Gas Company), energy policy at the Polish Prime Minister`s Office and international energy negotiations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Trained in economics, management and commodity trading at Universities of Wroclaw, Mannheim, Geneva, the London Business School and the Warsaw School of Economics.
The year 2024 saw an impressive acceleration of investment in clean energy solutions despite the increased cost of financing and geopolitical headwinds. The year was the first of many in ...
China has been the leading force in accelerating advanced energy solutions deployments like energy storage and clean hydrogen. It also has a strong position in the fields of advanced nucl...
There is a growing need to increase the capacity for storing the energy generated from the burgeoning wind and solar industries for periods when there is less wind and sun. This is drivin...
El papel de la energía nuclear en la creación de un futuro con cero emisiones netas, entre otras fuentes de energía limpias, ha sido un tema polémico. A medida que se prevé un aumento de ...
Nuclear energy’s role in achieving a net-zero future, amongst other clean energy sources, has been a contentious issue. As energy demand is projected to increase, particularly the demand ...
Desarrollar soluciones energéticas avanzadas, como el almacenamiento de carbono, los combustibles limpios, la eliminación del carbono y las soluciones nucleares avanzadas, es clave para l...
Developing advanced energy solutions including storage, clean fuels, carbon removal and advanced nuclear solutions is key to achieving better outcomes for the climate in the form of low e...
India is emerging as a global powerhouse in advanced energy solutions. It is the largest country in the world by population and fifth by size of national economy. It is also the third lar...
El almacenamiento de energía, el hidrógeno limpio, los combustibles sostenibles para la aviación (SAF), la gestión del carbono y los reactores modulares pequeños son fundamentales en el e...
Energy storage, clean hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), carbon management and small modular reactors are central in the global endeavour to achieve a net-zero future.
The key to an orderly energy transition lies in scaling up investment in all aspects of the clean energy system. While progress is being made, it is nowhere near enough. In addition to tr...
Two weeks ago when oil prices were approaching $100, Maciej Kolaczkowski, Manager Oil and Gas Industry from the World Economic Forum's Energy, Materials, Infrastructure Platform, explaine...
Demand for oil plunged in 2020 during the pandemic when lockdowns led the price to fall below zero first time in history due to a major downturn in economic activity.
A cyberattack on the major European oil refining hubs of Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) has considerably disrupted the loading and unloading of refined product cargoes amid a continent...