¿Cómo navegar por la frontera de la regulación de la IA?
En marzo de 2023, más de 33 000 personas relacionadas con el desarrollo del diseño y el uso de la IA firmaron la carta abierta del Future of Life Institute en la que se pedía que "todos l...
CEO Good Tech Advisory and TIME Impact award winner 2024. Former head of Artificial Intelligence and a Member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum; one of the foremost experts in the world on the governance of artificial intelligence (AI). Barrister, former Judge and Professor, technologist and entrepreneur who has an abiding interest in how humanity can equitably benefit from new technologies. Associate Barrister (Doughty Street Chambers), Master of the Inner Temple, London and served on the Lord Chief Justice’s Advisory Panel on AI and Law. Co-founded the Responsible AI Institute and was the world’s first Chief AI Ethics officer in 2014. Vice-Chair of The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems and was part of the group that met at Asilomar to create the Asilomar AI Ethical Principles. On the Polaris Council for the Government Accountability Office (USA), the Advisory Board for UNESCO International Research Centre on AI, EarthSpecies.org and AI4All. Advanced degrees in Law and International Relations and regularly speaks to international audiences addressing many aspects of the beneficial and challenging technical, economic and social changes arising from the use of AI.
En marzo de 2023, más de 33 000 personas relacionadas con el desarrollo del diseño y el uso de la IA firmaron la carta abierta del Future of Life Institute en la que se pedía que "todos l...
In March 2023, over 33,000 individuals involved with the design development and use of AI signed the Future of Life Institute open letter asking for “all AI labs to immediately pause for ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more ubiquitous, gaining more social uses and is now more accessible to the everyday person. Those prospects are exciting but there remain challen...
Key figures in artificial intelligence and digital technology have published an open letter calling for a six-month pause in the development of AI systems more powerful than OpenAI's Chat...
Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă has revealed he has an AI adviser to tell him what's on the minds of the people of his country. Ciuca demonstrated the device, known as Ion, to his ...
“Africa’s elephants play key roles in ecosystems, economies and in our collective imagination all over the world.”
Google lanza un chatbot de inteligencia artificial llamado Bard y aumenta el uso de la inteligencia artificial en su motor de búsqueda. También ha invertido 300 millones de dólares en la ...
Google is launching an AI chatbot called Bard and increasing use of artificial intelligence in its search engine. It has also invested $300 million in AI start-up Anthropic, as it looks t...
In 2022, we were presented with several stunning developments in artificial intelligence (AI). Some believe that these advances push the limits of what we have now (narrow AI) towards the...
Las crisis económica y medioambiental a las que se enfrenta el mundo se ven agravadas por la creciente fragmentación económica mundial. En la reunión de Davos de este año nos reunimos par...
The economic and environmental crises facing the world are exacerbated by rising global economic fragmentation. At this year's meeting in Davos, we gather for dialogue and cooperation, wi...
OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research lab behind chatbot ChatGPT, is in talks to sell existing shares in a tender offer that would value the company at about $29 billion, the Wall ...
Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) include the creation of a powerful new natural language processing tool called ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. The tool uses deep learnin...
Los sistemas de inteligencia artificial (IA) están creando un valor empresarial transformador para las empresas que la integran en sus operaciones, productos y servicios, y en su estrateg...
US President Joe Biden signed an executive order last month that will see the United States and the European Commission create a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework.