Diana Rodriguez Franco

Special Adviser, Gender and Diversity, Inter-American Development Bank

Special Advisor on Gender and Diversity for the President of IDB
Diana Rodríguez Franco

Diana Rodríguez Franco has a PhD in sociology from Northwestern University, with a master's degree in sociology from the same university, and a law (J.D) and economics degree (B.A) from University of Los Andes (Bogotá).

She has dedicated her life to the study and defense of human rights. As Deputy Director and researcher at the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society - Dejusticia (Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad), she focused on citizen participation, forced displacement, access to health, and environmental policy and advocacy.

She has also been a professor at the Business and Law Schools at University of Los Andes.

Her publications include:
• Radical Deprivation on Trial: The Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in the Global South (Cambridge Univ Press, 2015)
• “Internal Wars, Taxation, and State-Building” (American Sociological Review, 2016)
• “La paz ambiental: retos y propuestas para el posacuerdo" (Dejusticia, 2017).
• Juicio a la Exclusión: El impacto de los tribunales sobre los derechos sociales en el Sur Global (Siglo XXI Editores, 2015)

She was the founder of the Raising Peace campaign (Criando la Paz), which helped pregnant and lactating ex-combatant women in their transition to peace.



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