Shape 7

Problem Statement

How do we foster civic engagement and youth leadership in Canada.

Target Group

Youth between the ages of 18 and 30.

Proposed Solution

On the occasion of Canada's G7 Presidency, we were delighted to partner with hubs across the G7 to consult and convey the priorities of young people and principles for action on preparing for the jobs of the future - one of the core themes for Canada's Presidency. This consultative process was initiated and led by the Ottawa Hub with the support of hubs across the G7. By invitation of the Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, the Ottawa Shapers presented the preliminary findings of these consultations at the G7 Ministerial on Preparing for Jobs of the Future in Montreal. We were then invited to present our final report at the Youth 7 (Y7) Summit in Ottawa. 


Consultations with youth participants in 12 cities/hubs around the world 

Short Term Goals/Results

Held consultations with 12 cities and hubs around the world, and presented preliminary findings to the G7 Ministerial Meeting on the Future of Work. 

Long-Term Change

The World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Community adopted the G7 Consultation process. The project is now implemented every year in hubs around the world.

Available Metrics

  • How many people did the project reach? 350 youth participants

  • How many Shapers participated? 75 Shapers, 12 Cities, 350 Youth Participants

  • How many sessions were held? 12 sessions


  • 12 Global Shaper Hubs

  • G7 Summit





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